With us in the cell (which looks more like a cage) is our older brother, who turns out to be fundamental for us to escape that situation, for an adventure at all levels that is memorable and that will simultaneously transform Jason and make us, as players, question our own actions.

We put on the skin of Jason Brody, a young adult in the middle of a dream vacation with his brothers and friends, a radical adventure that ends badly, taking them to beach on that island and in the custody of a local group of pirates and drug dealers with an insane leader. The reason why I say this is due to the phenomenal presentation of the game, which stuck me to the chair like no other first-person shooter in many years. It is known that the action framework is an exotic island somewhere in the middle of the pacific, but more important than where, is how we will end up in a place so remote, so desirable and at the same time so unpredictable. Regardless of what you expected of him, the most certain thing is that it will surprise you on several levels. It will be consensual to say that our experience with a video game depends a lot on the expectations we had before playing it, well Far Cry 3 is one of those examples that comes up to surpass expectations.