Hero Units for the UNSC Other units like the Rhino Artillery, Rebel Sniper, Rebel Infantry and Arcadia Police would also be interesting to have as units since they're already in game. Simple but very interesting the mod thats already out, the potential is there for more hell even with whats shown we can get more units for skirmish/campaign.
Assuming you didn't encounter any errors up to this point, you're ready to make changes to the files mentioned in step 15 to change the train/research options of buildings.They dont download the files to your PC? thats odd, i wonder if we could ask 343/creative assembly for proper mod tools or some such. Drag-n-drop root.eradef into PhxGui to have it spit out a new root.era to the directory mentioned in step 9. Now find the files mentioned in step 15 in root.eradef and remove the ".xmb" extension so that the. Drag-n-drop these files to have PhxGui create the. This mod contains around 35-40 different troops that may be trained as well all sorts of custom Tech, including main base Tech. This mod for the UNSC only, and the Campaign. Go to the output path and open root.eradef file in a text editor that works with XML (you'll need to modify it later) All The Units is a more than massive mod for Halo Wars Lots of New Units, Tech, and a entire new way to build your main base as the UNSC. From here, you'll need to drag-n-drop root.era, and the contained files will be extracted to the path in step 8. If the exe version is recognized, a back up will be made and the input will be modified to accept custom ERA files. Now, drag-n-drop the xgameFinal.exe (one of the dumped game files) into the app. Select the directory for ERA Build Output, where new ERA files will be placed. Select the directory for ERA Expand Path, where files will be extracted.
Set the Game Version to DefinitiveEdition. At this point you'll need the latest version of the PhxTools from github. If you continue to run into an error at this point, try deleting the. If you run into any errors, check that you have side loading enabled in your Windows settings. With the game uninstalled, you can put this bat file in the folder with the dumped game files to install the game 'loosely'. With all the files dumped, you'll need to then uninstall the packed game. You'll need to dump the game package using UWPDumper. You'll need to own and install Halo Wars Definitive Edition.
Would be nice to instead guide a minion with the drive to explore without full assistance, who would then write/vlog the guides for the everyman/lady. However, it will always be time taken away from writing code. I may do some other simple guides in the future, if I get the time. I was asked on Twitter how one could change what things are trained or researched in a building/socket.
Verses the 360 version which requires a modded Xbox. So, Halo Wars Definitive Edition is on PC and with it, anyone can easily mod the game.