Provide the following places of your location:.Do not throw the character’s finances out of balance since its value in gold is very little.Provide alternate skill options to characters with a generic background.Origin and Racial Spell Skillbooks What does this mod bring? Through this mod the sneaking is really usable and useful in combat by reducing the AP cost from 4 to 2.In it you can activate / deactivate the ones you want. Finally, in the options menu you will see a list with the mods available in the game.Then, you will have to run the game (we recommend that you do it as an administrator).You can also unzip the mods on another site, copy and paste them into that folder.If it doesn’t exist, you can create it manually.This being the second step (unzipping the file) you can do it directly in the mods folder within the directory where the game is installed.So you will need a program to decompress the mods.